

About CUN: Giving Voice to Young Designers




CUN, initiated by Mr. Cui Shu, has been advocating for young designers in the international and domestic design fields in recent years. CUN selects outstanding projects by young domestic designers for coverage and has acquired widespread attention and reporting on China's emerging design talent in regions including the United States, Europe, Japan, as well as Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.



寸匠|熊猫;寸匠|方飞年轻设计师联合,为设计文化领域注入年轻设计的血液“让未来设计发声”,并且首次实现现场线上报导与线下“一票思考”链接互动,把有意思有价值的年轻创意设计全球共享。以一种全新的姿态热烈拥抱互联网+新时代,进一步推动全球设计、建筑与文化艺术交流的进程。 创造更多的维度,包括学校,企业,社会组织,大家一起来有效地建构设计、创意、人才的生态环境。

The young designers from CUN PANDA and CUN FF unite to infuse youthful design vitality into the realm of design culture, with the motto "Let the future of design be heard." They have pioneered on-site online reporting and offline "collective thinking" interactive sessions, enabling the sharing of intriguing and valuable young creative designs on a global scale. Embracing the Internet+ new era with a fresh perspective, they further propel the global exchange of design, architecture, and cultural arts. Their mission is to create more dimensions, including schools, businesses, and social organizations, to collaboratively construct an ecosystem for design, creativity, and talent effectively.



WHAT DO WE DO  / 我们做什么?


设计美学报导  /  设计师品牌策略  /  企业经营管理  /  设计研发基地  /  设计产品

Design Aesthetics Reporting/  Designer Brand Strategy  /  Corporate Business Management  / Design Research and Development Center /  Design Products

